Solar Energy

Top Reasons Why Australians Aren’t Shifting To Solar

Top Reasons Why Australians Aren’t Shifting To Solar

Many households have installed solar panel systems and moved towards clean energy. But there are millions of households that still have reasons to not go solar. Listed below are some common reasons why people are not adopting solar ways of electricity:

  • It is too expensive

This is one of the most common reasons that people cite. Although solar might look like a huge expense, it’s not as big an expense as you think it is. It needs to be looked at as an investment because once you have solar installed, you understand exactly how you were spending too much on your electricity bills. 


  • The process is tedious

Many think installing solar is too much of a hassle and don’t want to go through the process. But the best part is, if you find a good installer your path is going to be struggle-free.


  • Lack of knowledge

Since renewable energy is still new as a concept, many people lack knowledge. They don’t understand solar. There is a lot of information and options available which might further add on to doubts and confusion. This lack of education further inhibits people from making decisions to go solar.


  • A belief that going solar is not the right move

This is a common notion among people as they believe that solar is not worth it anymore. Feed-in Tariffs is the payment you receive from your electricity retailer for your export of unused excess electricity. In earlier days, FiTs were higher than the present rates. But just because that is the case, doesn’t mean solar is not worth it. Generous solar rebates are available and the investment is the right choice for the long run.


  • Don’t have north-facing rooftops

This is nothing to worry about today. Having no north-facing rooftops was a barrier in the olden days when the cost of solar panels was high and you needed to use them to their maximum capacity. But with solar panels becoming so affordable, filling your rooftop irrespective of the orientation, helps. Actually, installing panels at different orientations helps extract the maximum out of them. 


  • Live on rent or in an apartment

This is probably the real hurdle in getting a solar panel system installed. But if you have a rooftop and adequate support from other tenants and the owner then it is possible to install a solar system. Another option is the ‘solar garden’ where you can buy shares in a solar farm. Your share of generation in electricity is credited to your bill. 


  • Waiting for rebates to increase

The solar panel rebate is based on Small-scale Technology Certificates (STCs), the value of which varies. The STC scheme was started in the year 2017 and will end in 2030. Every year there is a reduction in this rebate value. So, the earlier you get your system installed, the more you will save. 


So should you get solar installed?

The answer is obviously yes. And the sooner you do it, the more you’ll save. All of the above reasons are not reason enough to stop you from making this decision. It is a great investment- for both you and the environment. 

Charles Brown

Published by
Charles Brown

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