Fronius Primo 3.0-1 / 3.5-1 / 3.6-1 / 4.0-1 4.6-1 / 5.0-1 AUS / 5.0-1 5.0-1 SC / 6.0-1 / 8.2-1 Class 1 Error Code

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Fronius Class 1 State Error Codes

Fronius Class 1 state Error codes generally only arise momentarily and are caused by the public grid.

Example: The grid frequency is too high and the inverter may not feed any energy into the grid owing to a standard. There is nothing wrong with the device. The initial response of the inverter is to disconnect itself from the grid. The grid is subsequently checked during the stipulated monitoring period. If no further problem has been detected by the end of this period, then the inverter will resume feeding energy into the grid. The GPIS SoftStart function is activated according to the country setup: After cutting out due to an AC error, the output power of the inverter is continuously increased in line with the national guidelines.





STATE 102 AC voltage too high Following careful testing and when the grid conditions are within the permissible range again, the inverter will resume feeding energy into the grid. Check grid connections: If this STATE code keeps recurring contact your solar power system installer.
STATE 103 AC voltage too low
STATE 105 AC frequency too high
STATE 106 AC frequency too low
STATE 107 AC grid outside the permissible limits
STATE 108 Stand-alone operation detected
STATE 112 RCMU error
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